
⚙️ Example Usage

You can utilize the HandleReputation export to manage player reputation in the Black Market system. Below are examples of how to increase, decrease, and retrieve a player's reputation.

Use this to retrieve and display the current reputation of the player.

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Increase Reputation:

To increase a player’s reputation, use the following code:

increaseAmount = 10  -- Set the amount to increase reputation
exports['evo-blackmarket']:HandleReputation('increase', increaseAmount)

This will increase the player's reputation by the specified amount (in this case, 10).

Decrease Reputation:

To decrease a player’s reputation, use this code:

decreaseAmount = 5  -- Set the amount to decrease reputation
exports['evo-blackmarket']:HandleReputation('decrease', decreaseAmount)

This will reduce the player’s reputation by 5. If the reputation falls below 0, it will automatically reset to 0.

Get Current Reputation:

To retrieve a player’s current reputation, use the following:

currentReputation = exports['evo-blackmarket']:HandleReputation('get')
print("Current Reputation:", currentReputation)

This will return and print the player's current reputation.

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